Companies may not typically view their call centers as a marketing function, but a well-managed call center...
Benefits of Touch Screen Cash Registers for Retailers
For many years, cash registers have been among the most expensive and complicated technologies for...
Real-World Example: IVR Transformation
Real-World Example: Once upon a time in the customer service world, a client of Netfor's had an interactive...
Testimonial – Indiana Department of Revenue
Welcome to our testimonial page, where we proudly showcase the success stories and positive feedback we have...
Mastering Customer Service: Lessons From The Best
If one of the goals for your organization is to master customer service, a great way to start is to study...
Calculate Customer Service Needs Using Netfor’s Unique Tech Tool
Your business is healthy and it’s growing. The demand for your products or services is strong, and as word...
Netfor Prefers To Make The Extra Effort To Make Clients Happy
“Just because I give the client a scorecard showing we are green on everything doesn’t mean they feel we’re...
Other Companies Say They Do It Right The First Time, Netfor Actually Does
A familiar trait of successful companies is high expectations, and Netfor is no exception. One of the keys...
How Netfor Transforms Common Processes in Truly Uncommon Ways
It’s not unusual for growing companies to follow their industry’s best practices. Adopting what trial and...
We Help Growing Companies Address the Issues Limiting Their Growth
We help growing companies address the issues limiting their growth Growing a company is never easy, and it’s...
Retail Case Study: Reducing Support Costs
More than $2,500,000 in Savings for Fortune 500 Company by setting up a Netfor Service Desk and...
Netfor’s Methodical Onboarding Allowed Quillo to Focus on Serving Users
Supporting the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities is gratifying work, but it can also be physically and emotionally exhausting. The agencies