When you don’t have all the facts, you can’t make informed decisions about where to put your resources....
Calculate Customer Service Needs Using Netfor’s Unique Tech Tool
Your business is healthy and it’s growing. The demand for your products or services is strong, and as word...
We Help Growing Companies Address the Issues Limiting Their Growth
We help growing companies address the issues limiting their growth Growing a company is never easy, and it’s...
Proven Agent Training Techniques Rapidly Prepare Netfor’s Team for Government Needs
“Government should run like a business” is a common refrain, and managers of government agencies at all...
Netfor’s Methodical Onboarding Allowed Quillo to Focus on Serving Users
Supporting the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities is gratifying work, but it can also be physically and emotionally exhausting. The agencies
Remarkable Customer Service Fuels Netfor’s Growing Partnerships with Government Agencies
Governments at all levels have always faced the challenge of making the most of limited…
Outsourcing Government Customer Service with an Experienced Partner Made Simple
One of the most common hesitations among companies and government agencies that are thinking about
IT Incident Management in Action: Our Response to a Major Crisis
IT directors and others responsible for technology aren’t usually given to exaggeration. In many areas of business, the phrase “major incident” …
Helping Indiana’s Government With COVID’s Unemployment Challenges
The Covid-19 pandemic’s arrival and its many economic consequences highlighted by unemployment quickly changed life and work for nearly everyone in the Hoosier…
Create Extraordinary Customer Service By Asking Two Simple Questions
Disappointed with a company’s response to an issue with their product or service, you click on their feedback link, which…
Hidden Benefits of Managed Services
Since the early 2000s, there seems to be a burden of new technology emerging each month that makes the previous month’s tech look obsolete, causing problems…
IoT Support: A Transitioning Workforce
Do you suddenly have more remote workers than you did 2 weeks ago? As a follow-up to my article on IoT...