Missing in most of the discussions about the 'Great Resignation' is one of the biggest costs associated with...
Netfor’s Methodical Onboarding Allowed Quillo to Focus on Serving Users
Supporting the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities is gratifying work, but it can also be physically and emotionally exhausting. The agencies
Employee Spotlight: Eric Neal – Account Manager
Meet one of our newest Netlanders Eric Neal! Eric joined our team last month as our newest Account Manager with 30+ years of IT experience. He’s looking to improve our…
Employee Spotlight: Ethan Calkins – Business Assurance Manager
Meet Ethan Calkins. Mr. Calkins has been a proud Netlander for over 3 years and was recently promoted to our Business Assurance Manager. In this…
QCB – Why Is It Better Than Holding?
You know the drill. You need something or have a problem, so you call the handy phone number only to be a recorded message telling you that all agents are helping other callers…
Field Service – How Real-time Communication Builds Confidence
You may remember playing the childhood game called “telephone.” For those who may be unfamiliar, it involved a circle of kids whispering the same message from one to another…
Day in the Life of a Program Manager
Meet Mario Alessandrini. Mario started at Netfor in June 2020 as our program manager, guiding his team to provide the best service possible day in and day out…
Field Service – The Key To Successful Deployments
Suppose your startup markets an innovative device to improve productivity and profitability for manufacturing operations. Your in-house team of 20 excitedly launched a promotional eblast
Total Cost Of Ownership (TCO)
The More Netfor Services Clients, The More They Save And Grow Netfor’s relationship with new service desk...
Making Innovation Manageable: IoT Success
How can an IoT developer leverage these capabilities most effectively? The key is to begin the initial conversations as their ideas are moving out of the prototype stage…